Single woman

Free fertility information evening for single ladies (registration closed)

Date: Wed 20 November 2019
Time: 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Address: Princess Anne Hospital Coxford Road Southampton SO16 5YA
Speaker: Julia Paget, Clinic Director

We are delighted to offer a free information evening especially for single ladies who would like to become a parent.
During the evening you will hear talks about the options available to you as a single woman wanting to start a family.
We will discuss our donor sperm bank and the fertility treatments including IUIIVF, and egg sharing.

Our Clinic Director Julia Paget will discuss:

• the investigations and treatments available to you
• what’s involved in these procedures
• what to expect on your fertility journey
• the support we offer
• information about our clinic
There will also be the opportunity to ask one to one questions and have a tour of our newly refurbished facilities.

Our open evenings are popular and places are allocated on a ‘first come first served’ basis. To register please complete the form below or call 02380 010 570