Current fertility research
Below you can read in a bit more detail about our current projects. Should you be interested in participating in any of our projects, or perhaps joining our Patient Research Advisory Board, which helps us focus on answering questions important to you, please contact us.
Have PCOS and trying for a baby? Join our LOCI research trial!
We are looking for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) who are trying to conceive, to take part in a new clinical trial, called ‘LOCI’. LOCI is investigating the effectiveness of two different drugs (letrozole and clomifene) on fertility, pregnancy and successful births. Both of these drugs aim to induce or ‘switch on’ ovulation, which is often disrupted in women with PCOS. Improved ovulation should increase the chances of becoming pregnant. Clinicians and researchers do not yet know which should be the first-line medication.
- Women diagnosed with PCOS
- Presentation with infertility or wishing to conceive;
- Male partner with normal sperm count
- Willing and able to give informed consent;
- Age => 18 to <=42 at randomisation;
- Body Mass Index <=35.0 kg/m2.
Unfortunately you would not be able to join the trial if you match any of the following:
- More than six previous ovulation induction treatments (cycles) with either letrozole or clomifene in the previous 12 months
- Intention to continue current use of metformin treatment for ovulation induction or for other indications
- Metformin use in the previous 14 days
- Women opting for alternative methods of ovulation induction or treatment (GnRH agonists and antagonists, gonadotropins), triggering ovulation with hCG, or performing intrauterine or intracervical insemination;
- Contraindications to letrozole, clomifene, metformin use and/or pregnancy (see section 7.3 for full details on contraindications).
- Woman has previously participated in the LOCI trial.
If you think you meet the eligibility criteria, please discuss with your GP about the possibility of a referral. If you have already been referred to our services, please reach out to us on

Are you undergoing fertility treatment?
Has your fertility team discussed ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) with you?
If you answered YES to these questions, you may be interested in our research study, STOP OHSS.
Information & eligibilty
OHSS can affect women having fertility treatment. It is caused by the medication taken to increase egg production. If too many eggs develop, the ovaries can become large and painful, with more severe cases being potentially life-threatening.
During fertility treatment, fertility teams check for symptoms of OHSS and step in if symptoms worsen. Women may need to be admitted to hospital for intensive monitoring or treatment.
STOP-OHSS is a clinical trial looking at whether carrying out treatment earlier using a procedure called paracentesis as an outpatient can stop OHSS symptoms from getting worse, and prevent hospital admissions for women having fertility treatment.
Paracentesis is a procedure that is usually performed as part of inpatient treatment for OHSS. A needle is inserted through the vagina or abdomen (tummy) to drain the fluid that collects during PHSS and to relieve symptoms. It is carried out in a similar way to egg collection. It is generally a safe procedure and will not affect your pregnancy if you are already pregnancy. In this study the procedure will be performed in an outpatient setting to prevent OHSS symptoms worsening.
You may be eligible to take part if:
- You are woman having fertility treatment
- You develop moderate or severe OHSS
- You are aged 18 or over
If you think you meet the eligibility criteria, please discuss with your fertility doctor or email us at